How to Safely Remove Excess Nose and Ear Hair
Written by Advice Team on June 26, 2017Annoyingly as men approach middle age, their head hair disappears only to reappear in the most undesirable of places; the ears and nose. Excess ear and nose hair is a common problem faced by many men as they age and the hormone levels in their body change.
As well as being unsightly, excess hair can also be annoyingly itchy and if allowed to fester can create hygiene problems. In the case of ear hair it can also cause hearing to become more difficult as the hair literally muffles the sound. Not one of mother nature’s better ideas! Like it or not they have to go.
Although some men cut and some pluck*, trimming the stray hairs is the easiest, most effective, least painful way to remove excess hair and is our recommended method. Because excess hair is such a common problem in men, there are a plethora of electric trimmers available on the market. Panasonic Nose & Ear Hair Trimmers have consistently good reviews, and as the name suggests, can trim both unwanted ear and nose hair which is a bonus.
The Panasonic ER-GN30 Wet/Dry Battery Operated Nose & Ear Trimmer is a great option. Our best selling trimmer it features a ‘Smart Wash System’ (a set of rotating blades which draw water in and and flus hair stubble out) and sharp, dual-edge blade technology for precise trimming of eyebrows and nose and ear hair down to 0.5mm.
ER-GN30 Wet/Dry Battery Operated Nose & Ear Trimmer In stock and ready for dispatch!
Ready to get started? Here’s our 3 step guide to safely removing excess nose and ear hair…
Step 1 Cleanse your nose and ears with warm water to remove loose debris and dirt (and wax in the case of ears). Not only will excess dirt hamper the effectiveness of the trimmer but it also increases the risk of infection.
Step 2 Using a well-lit, magnifying mirror use your fingers to pull the skin slightly to open the hole as wide as possible. Flip the power switch on and touch the trimmer to the area, as close to the base of the hairs as possible. Do not place the trimmer more than 1/4-inch into the outer ear or opening of the nostrils. For hair growing outside the opening, move the rotating blade along the surface of the skin slowly and carefully.
Step 3 Slightly dampen a cotton ball and run it around the opening to the nose and ears to capture any cut strands left stuck to the skin.
* Scissors may sound like the obvious way to curb excessive ear and nose hair, but in reality they are arguably the most ineffective and dangerous tool for the job. One little slip could cause permanent damage and scarring - we would never recommend sticking scissors into your nostrils or ear canal. Tweezers are another popular hair removal tool, although again proceed with caution. Plucking hairs straight out can cause irritation and lesions which can lead to infection. Plucking hair from this delicate area will also prove to be extremely painful.