Our advice team recently spent time surveying the team at Shavers to find out what their personal grooming routines were and the products they used to maintain their facial hair. We found a big trend with our 22 - 35 year olds, in that all of them are now maintaining different degrees and lengths Read article...
Moustache grooming
Shavers' Man of the Mo'ment
Written by Advice Team on November 1, 2018Here at Shavers, we are delighted to support one of our team members, Peter Blake, who is 'growing a mo to save a bro' this November. Movember, the month formerly known as November, is when brave and selfless men around the world grow a moustache, and women step up to support them, all to raise Read article...
Should I Be Using A Shaving Brush?
Written by Advice Team on July 25, 2018Shaving brushes have been around for a long time and that can’t be a bad thing. They’ve been popular with barbers for decades, who offer hair care such as the cutthroat shave and there’s a good reason why many still use a shaving brush to lather up your face before they do so. Here’s why, Read article...
How to Grow, Trim, Style and Care for Your Moustache
Written by Advice Team on April 16, 2018In recent years, just like the beard, moustaches have become somewhat of a status symbol amongst men. No longer do we sport stray wisps of hair above our lip (namely when we just don’t feel like shaving) but we’ve become accustomed to the greatness of a well grown, maintained and styled mousta Read article...
Be the Master of your Moustache
Written by Advice Team on October 27, 2015Like beards, the ‘tache is a grooming trend that comes and goes but the classic moustache is the British gents current must-have. To pull it off you need a regular grooming routine, so with the moustache rising in popularity and Movember just around the corner, we’ve revealed our tips on how t Read article...