
The Bluebeards Revenge 100% Cotton Shaving Towel

a The Bluebeards Revenge Shaving Towel

Shaving Towel

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Key features

  • 50 x 25cm Shaving Towel
  • 100% Cotton
  • 'Brand of the Year' by FHM Grooming Awards 2014
  • Machine washable


The Bluebeards Revenge Shaving Towel is made out of 100% cotton, providing you with a super-soft towel to begin your pre-shave routine.

How to use

Fold your shaving towel in half - lengthways - and sock in hot-as-you-can-bear water. Wrap around your face, pressing into the target area and massage into your face. Press and massage into your beard for a few minutes prior to applying your The Bluebeards Revenge shaving products. Re-use your towel after you have shaved to help clean up. Rinse clean then dry thoroughly. Can be machine washed.