
Advice & Knowledge

The State of Men's Grooming Survey Results: Skincare & Products

Written by Advice Team on March 28, 2018

Last year we ran a survey with Shavers customers to understand the current state of men's grooming throughout the UK. After the survey ended in December, our expert team has been going through all of the responses and working on putting together guides, articles and advice to help men make better time of their grooming routines. What their skin type is, what skincare to use and what other men across the country suffer from when it comes to a close shave and growing a beard.

Here are the results from the men in our survey when it comes to skincare and products...



If you want to know more about skincare and what your skin type is, take a look out our blog section on personal care.

Or you can take a look at our range skin care preparation, finish and beard care products.